
Tekniska högskolan vid Linköpings universitet



Entry and Language Requirements for Master's Programmes

Requirements for admission to Programmes offered in English

  • Aeronautical Engineering, 120 credits
  • Applied Ethology and Animal Biology, 120 credits
  • Biomedical Engineering, 120 credits
  • Communication Systems, 120 credits
  • Computer Science, 120 credits
  • Ecology and the Environment, 120 credits
  • Electronics Engineering, 120 credits
  • Industrial Engineering and Management, 120 credits
  • Intelligent Transport Systems and Logistics, 120 credits
  • Materials Science and Nanotechnology, 120 credits
  • Mechanical Engineering, 120 credits
  • Organic Synthesis/Medicinal Chemistry, 120 credits
  • Sustainability Engineering and Management, 120 credits

General requirements

* A bachelor's degree awarded in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh or Nepal must in most cases be of four years or followed by a master's degree to meet the admission requirements.

Specific requirements

Applicants also have to meet the specific requirements stated for each programme, see below.

The specific requirements will be assessed as not fulfilled if:

  • the average grade is in the lower third of the grading scale used in the country where the degree was awarded, i e grades have to be above average
  • the degree does not qualify for admission to equivalent master's programmes in the country where the degree is awarded.

Programme specific requirements

  • Aeronautical Engineering, 120 credits
    Applicants shall have
    • a bachelor's degree in aeronautical engineering, mechanical engineering, or equivalent
    • at least 30 ECTS credits in mathematics/applied mathematics and/or application of mathematics relevant for the programme

  • Applied Ethology and Animal Biology, 120 credits
    Applicants shall have
    • a bachelor's degree with a major in the field of biology
    • at least 5 ECTS credits in the field of physiology

  • Biomedical Engineering, 120 credits
    Applicants shall have
    • a bachelor's degree in biomedical, electrical, physical, biological or computer engineering, electronics or physics, or equivalent
    • at least 30 ECTS credits in mathematics/applied mathematics and/or application of mathematics relevant for the programme including calculus, linear algebra, vector calculus and complex functions
    • at least 10 ECTS credits in physics including mechanics

  • Communication Systems, 120 credits
    Applicants shall have
    • a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering or equivalent
    • at least 30 ECTS credits in mathematics/applied mathematics relevant to the programme including courses in linear algebra, probability theory and signals and systems

  • Computer Science, 120 credits
    Applicants shall have
    • a bachelor's degree with a major in computer science, information technology, software engineering, computer engineering, alternatively, a bachelor's degree with a minor in computer science or related subject area, with a minimum of 60 ECTS credits in computer-related subjects (e.g. programming, data structures, databases, software engineering, computer hardware, computer networks).
    • at least 24 ECTS credits in mathematics/applied mathematics and/or application of mathematics relevant for the programme including courses in discrete mathematics, linear algebra, calculus and mathematical statistics.

  • Ecology and the Environment, 120 credits
    Applicants shall have
    • a bachelor's degree with a major in the field of biology
    • at least 5 ECTS credits in the field of ecology

  • Electronics Engineering, 120 credits
    Applicants shall have
    • a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering or equivalent
    • at least 20 ECTS credits in mathematics/applied mathematics and/or applications of mathematics relevant for the programme, including courses in calculus, linear algebra, probability, transform methods

  • Industrial Engineering and Management, 120 credits
    Applicants shall have
    • a bachelor's degree with a major in an engineering subject
    • at least 30 ECTS credits in mathematics/applied mathematics and/or application of mathematics relevant for the programme, including courses in linear algebra, calculus and mathematical statistics

  • Intelligent Transport Systems and Logistics, 120 credits
    Applicants shall have
    • a bachelor's degree with a major in an engineering subject, or equivalent
    • at least 22 ECTS credits in mathematics/applied mathematics and/or application of mathematics relevant for the programme, including courses in linear algebra, calculus and mathematical statistics

  • Materials Science and Nanotechnology, 120 credits
    Applicants shall have
    • a bachelor's degree in physics, applied physics, materials science, electronics engineering or equivalent.
    • at least 20 ECTS credits mathematics/applied mathematics and/or application of mathematics relevant for the programme including courses in calculus, linear algebra, vector calculus, Fourier transforms and differential equations
    • at least 20 ECTS credits in physics including courses in mechanics, wave physics, modern physics, electromagnetism and thermal and statistical physics.

  • Mechanical Engineering, 120 credits
    Applicants shall have
    • a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, or equivalent
    • at least 30 ECTS credits in mathematics/applied mathematics and/or application of mathematics relevant for the programme.

  • Organic Synthesis/Medicinal Chemistry, 120 credits
    Applicants shall have
    • a bachelor's degree with a major in the field of chemistry or chemical biology
    • at least 15 ECTS credits in organic chemistry and 12 ECTS credits in biochemistry.

  • Sustainability Engineering and Management, 120 credits
    Applicants shall have
    • a bachelor's degree with a major in an engineering subject
    • at least 30 ECTS credits in mathematics/applied mathematics and/or application of mathematics relevant for the programme.

Generella krav för antagning till masterprogram på svenska

  • Fysik, 120 hp
  • Matematik, 120 hp
  • Protein Science, 120 hp
  • Datavetenskap, 120 hp
  • Kandidatexamen eller motsvarande*
  • Kunskaper i svenska och engelska enligt bestämmelser för grundläggande behörighet för grundnivå (Svenska 3 alt. Svenska B samt Engelska 6 alt. Engelska A).

Särskild behörighet - Programspecifika tillträdeskrav

Sökande måste också uppfylla de särskilda behörighetskraven för resp. program.

  • Fysik och nanovetenskap, 120 hp
    Sökande till programmet ska ha
    • kandidatexamen inom huvudområde fysik eller motsvarande
    • minst 30 hp matematik inklusive kurser i analys i en och flera variabler, linjär algebra och vektoranalys
    • grundläggande fysikkurser i mekanik, vågrörelselära, elektromagnetism, termodynamik, statistisk fysik och modern fysik.

  • Matematik, 120 hp
    Sökande till programmet ska ha
    • kandidatexamen inom huvudområde matematik eller motsvarande

  • Protein Science, 120 hp
    Sökande till programmet ska ha
    • kandidatexamen inom huvudområde kemi, kemisk biologi eller motsvarande
    • fortsättningskurs (nivå G2 eller motsvarande) i biokemi

  • Datavetenskap, 120 hp
    Sökande till programmet ska ha
    • kandidatexamen inom huvudområde datavetenskap, informationsteknologi, programutvecklingsmetodik, datateknik eller motsvarande
    • alternativt, kandidatexamen inom annat huvudområde (motsvarande) inkluderande åtminstone 60 hp datateknik/datavetenskap (programmering, datastrukturer, databaser, programutvecklingsmetodik, datorteknik, nätverk)
    • minst 24 hp kurser i matematik eller tillämpning av matematik, inklusive diskret matematik, linjär algebra, analys och matematisk statistik.
    • Dispens ges för kravet på matematisk statistik för sökande som i övrigt uppfyller ovan angivna tillträdeskrav.


Tekniska högskolan vid Linköpings universitet

Informationsansvariga: Utbildningsledare,
Senast ändrad: 2016-12-15 10:49