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Aim The aim of the Master's Programme is to give students well-funded theoretical and practical knowledge, and excellent technical and managerial skills in the design, planning, analysis and management of transport systems. The focus of the programme is on systems for road transports and for transport of people. The students will obtain general engineering skills in optimization, geographical information systems and telecommunication. The specialisation includes among other things mobile and wireless telecommunication and mathematical modelling of traffic systems using optimization and simulation techniques. The students can also specialize in traffic safety management. Project management, language courses, oral and written communication are included in the programme. The student should upon completion of the programme be well prepared for a career as a traffic engineer or traffic planner in a local government, authority or consultancy firm, or for a career in a company developing products or services directed towards the transportation sector.
Composition of the Programme The programme consists of 1,5 years (3 semesters) of course work and a Master's Thesis (0,5 years), and starts in January each year.
The Content of the Programme
The syllabus for the programme may vary from year to year, but the main structure remains. During the first semester there are courses in optimization, geographical information systems, traffic safety management, intelligent transport systems and project management. The second semester include courses in telecommunications, traffic modelling, positioning and GIS and mobil telecommunications for ITS. The third semester include a number of elective courses.
Master Thesis See general rules and regulations for master programmes at LiTH.
The Degree of Ordinance See general rules and regulations for master programmes at LiTH.
Entrance Qualifications See general rules and regulations for master programmes at LiTH.