studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TVCB05 Cell Growth and Cell Differentiation, 4 p (sw)
/Celltillväxt och celldifferentiering/

Advancement level:

The aim of this course is to provide deeper knowledge in some specific areas of eukaryotic cell biology.

Biochemistry (TFKE 25), Cell Biology (THBI 10), Microbiology with Immunology (TVMB 01), Methods in structural biology (TVCB 01), and Gene technology and molecular genetics (TVCB 02).

Course organization:
The course applies problem based learning and consists of lectures, tutorials, and laboratory work.

Course content:
The content of this course may vary because of the rapid progress within this scientific field. Examples of areas that can be studied: Endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine signalling systems. Intracellular signal transduction. Growth factors and differentiation factors and their receptors. Control of the cell cycle. Epigenetic regulation of gene expression and its role in cell growth and cell differentiation. Development biology. Principles of aberrant growth control, oncogenes, and cancer. Environment-related carcinogenesis. Intracellular redox systems and their role in control of cell growth and programmed cell death (apoptosis).

Course literature:
Alberts B. et al: Molecular Biology of the Cell, Garland Publ. Co., New York and London, 3 ed, 1995. Scientific reports.

The only credits given for this course are pass or fail.

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


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