studiehandbok@lith | ![]() |
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TTIT62 | Real time process control, 4 p (sw) /Tema: Realtidsprocesser och reglering/ Advancement level: C | |
Aim: To get an insight into real time methods and tools through control of simple dynamic systems. To understand the relationship between a continous system and its corresponding sampled equivalent.Prerequisites: Concurrent programming and operating systems, Calculus, Linear systemsCourse organization: See the handbook of studies part 1.Course content: The thematic course deals with controlling industrial processes with the help of a computer. This requires knowledge about how control algorithms can be designed and implemented in a computer system. The course deals with linear dynamic systems which are controlled by feedback, particularly PID controllers. Fundamental analyses of both the continous model and its sampled equivalent with respect to e.g. stability is included. Analysis is done in the frequency plane with the help of the Z-transform. To ensure that the computer implementation satisfies the timing demands of the control algorithm, the effects of the timing demands on resource managing and process scheduling are considered. We treat static (cyclic) and dynamic (priority-based) scheduling algorithms. We further study the deadlock phenomena, and the scheduling mechansims which avoid deadlock through priority inheritance. An overview of fault-tolerance techniqes and exception handling is included. An industrial fine measurement robot is the basis for the theoretical and practical studies.Course literature: According to literature list.Assessment: | ||
LAB1 Laboratory assignment. 1.5 points. TEN1 Written exam, grades 3,4,5. 2.5 points. |