studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TTIT61 Concurrent Programming and operating Systems, 4 p (sw)
/Tema: Processprogrammering och operativsystem/

Advancement level:

To get a basic understanding of the processabstraction and its synchronization and communication. To get a basic understanding in the constrction of operating systems.

Course organization:
See study handbook part 1.

Course content:
The concepts of execution, process, resource, and how they relate. The emphasis is on cooperating concurrent processes and resource sharing: - Process communication - Resource sharing - Resource scheduling Construction of operating systems: - User- and programmer-interfaces - Memory management, such as multiprogramming, virtual memory, and memory protection. - File systems - Security Overview of the hardware interface, device drivers, interrupts, DMA.

Course literature:
According to litterature list

LAB1 Laboratory work, 2 points. TEN1 Written exam, graded, 2 points.

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


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