studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TTIT36 Communication IT, 2 p (sw)
/Tema: Kommunikation IT/

Advancement level:

The course aims at giving insights in the writing process model, graphical form, argumentative writing and rethoric. The students should also acquire further skills in oral presentation and be able to describe technical products in an informative and interesting way. Furthermore, the students should be given the opportunity to reflect around gender aspects of technology and communication.

TTIT 14 or TTIT 19.

Course organization:
The course is integrated with TTIT 31 Programming, TTIT 33 Algorithms and optimization and TTIT 35 Digital construction during term 3 of the programme for Information Technology. The course is organized in lectures and seminars.

Course content:
Argumentation (oral and written) Text criticism. Body language and oral presentation. Graphical form and layout. Technical descriptions. Gender aspects of tecnology and communication.

Course literature:

UPG1 Written report (in connection with TTIT 31), 0,5 p. UPG2 Oral presentation (in connection with TTIT 33), 0,5 poäng. UPG3 Product description (in connection with TTIT 35), 0,5 poäng. UPG4 Essay(in connection with TTIT 35), 0,5 poäng.

Course language is Swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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