studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TSRT62 Modelling and Simulation, 4 p (sw)
/Modellbygge och simulering/

Advancement level:

The course is to give knowledge of methods and principles for building mathematical models of dynamic systems (i.e. systems that can be described by differential and/or difference equations). It should also show how the properties of the models can be studied by simulation. The importance of the dynamics in processes and the limitations of statistical observations are stressed.

TAMS 08 Statistics, first course for Y, TANA 41 Numerical Methods I, TSRT 12 Automatic Control Y (or equivalent).

Course content:
Models of dynamic systems. Differential and difference equations. State descriptions. Disturbance models. Model building: Principles for model building, starting from physical relations. Balance and state equations. Redundancy. Bond graphs. Differential algebraic models. Identification: To use measurement data for ``black box'' model building and for calculation of parameters in physical models. Frequency and transient analysis. Least squares method. Estimation of disturbance spectra. Simulation: Digital simulation, representations, numerical properties.The simulation languages Simulink and Modelica.

Course literature:
Ljung L., Glad T.: Modellbygge och simulering, Studentlitteratur 1991. Exercises

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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