studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TSEI50 Linear Systems, 4 p (sw)
/Linjära system/

Advancement level:

The purpose with the course is to give basic knowledge about methods for the analysis of linear discrete-time systems.

TAIU 21 Calculus and Linear algebra, TSIU 10 Introduction to Circuit Theory, TSEI 47 Circuit Theory

Supplementary courses:
TSEI 70 Automatic Control, TSTE 77 Digital Filters.

Course organization:
The course is organised in lectures/lessons and laboratory work.

Course content:
Signals and systems. Classification of signals. Classification of systems. System analysis. Discrete-time signals and systems. Difference equations. Convolution. Stability. Representation of linear discrete-time systems. Applications. Analysis with the z-transform. Transfer function. Poles and zeros. Stability and causality. Frequency response. Fourier transform. Sampling and reconstruction. The sampling theorem. Fourier series. DFT. Introduction to discrete-time filters.

Course literature:
H. Johansson: Tidsdiskreta system.

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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