studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TSEA70 Signal and Image Processing, 4,5 p (sw)
/Signal- och bildbehandling/

Advancement level:

The course intends to give fundamental knowledge about signal and image processing. It is then used to solve problems in medicin and biology.

TATM38 Mathematical Models in Biology. TSRT01 Introduction in MATLAB is recommended.

Course organization:
The course consists of lectures, laboratory work based on MATLAB and a literature/case study of an example of medical biological signal processing. The literature/case study is carried out in groups and an oral and written presentation is required.

Course content:
1-D signal processing. Linear systems. Signal and frequency domains. Convolution,correlation,filters,impulse response. Sampling and the sampling theorem. DFT and FFT. Resampling and interpolation. Applications: ultrasound, ECG,EEG. 2-D signal processing. Generalization of 1-D results. Images as two-dimensional signals. Filtering of images. Image restoration, compression, reconstruction. Applications: tomography, magnetic resonance, microscopy.

Course literature:
Oppenheim: Signals and systems. Prentice-Hall.

Course language is Swedish .


Linköpings tekniska högskola


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