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TSDT69 | Circuit Theory, 6,5 p (sw) /Kretsteori/ Advancement level: C | |
Aim: The aim with the course is to give basic knowledge and ability in analyzing signals and linear systems; time continuos as well as descrete-time systems.Prerequisites: Some of the calculus courses TATM 03, TATM 35. Some of the algebra courses TATM 13, TATM 18, TATM 71 Transform Theory for I. TSDT 53 Circuit Theory, introductory course or TSDT 65 Basic electronics and Measurement technology.Supplementary courses: TSIT 65 Signal Theory D, TSRT 78 Digital Siganl Processing, TSTE 77 Digital Filters, TSTE 80 Analog and Discrete-Time Intergrated Circuits, TSDT 76 Digital Communications, TSRT 12 Automatic Control Y, TSTE 15 Analog CircuitsCourse organization: The course consits of lecturs and, in connection with these, exercises and computer work.Course content: Signals and systems: Various types of signals and systems. Manipulating signals. Different types of mathematical models for systems. Initial conditions. Cascade connection. Feedback. Stability. Periodical non-sinusoidal signals: Average values. Power. Fourier-seris analysis. Time-analysis of systems: Differential equation. Convolution. Analysis of time continuos signals and systems usign Fourier transform: Frequency spectrum. Transfer function. Narrowband signlas. Amplitude modulation. Circuit analysis. Analysis of time contiuos systems using Laplace transform: Circuit analysis. Handling of initial conditions. The system function. Analysis with poles and zeros. Basic filter theory: One- and twoports. Various types of filters. Filter transformations. Discrete-time signals and systems: Difference equations. Convolution. Stability z-transforms. The systems function. Analysis of signals and systems using fourier transform. DFT and windowing. Sampling and reconstruction. Aliasing. Basic theory for discrete-time filters.Course literature: Söderkvist S.: Tidskontinuerliga signaler & system Söderkvist S.: Tidskontinuerliga signaler & system, övningsbok. Söderkvist/Ahnell.: Tidsdiskreta signaler & system Söderkvist/Ahnell.: Tidsdiskreta signaler & system, övningsbok Söderkvist S.: Formler & Tabeller Ahnell L-E: Kretslab 3.1 |