studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TPPE05 Capital Budgeting and Financial Markets, 2,5 p (sw)
/Investeringsbedömning och finansiella marknader/

Advancement level:

The course aims at describing the relationships between capital markets and the firm's capital budgeting decisions. To provide an understanding of these relationships, the course will - describe basic structures and the functioning of financial markets in Sweden - present some common theoretical equilibrium models and how they can be used - provide knowledge about capital budgeting techniques under certainty and risk

TPPE27+28 Economic Analysis (or TPPE01 Managerial Economics), TEIE09 Financial Control Systems (or TDEI11 Accounting and Budgeting), TAMS65 Mathematical Statistics, second course, TAOP02 Introduction to Operations Research

Supplementary courses:
TPPE63 Corporate Finance, TPPE81 Financial Risk Management

Course organization:
The teaching is organized in lectures and seminars. The lectures will primarily treat various models and methods, whereas the seminars will be used for discussing quantitative problems and solution techniques.

Course content:
Instruments and institutions in the Swedish financial markets. Portfolio theory. Capital budgeting under certainty and risk. The Capital Asset Pricing Model. Practical aspects of capital budgeting. Market efficiency.

Course literature:
Brealey, R. and Myers, S., Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill Book Company. Supplementary texts will be announced later.

A written final exam.

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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