studiehandbok@lith | ![]() |
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TPIU48 | Industrial Economics, 2 p (sw) /Industriell ekonomi/ Advancement level: B | |
Aim: This course will bring the students: - understanding of financial statements and reports in a company, - skills in economic judgement and calculation, - knowledge about budgeting and finance, - training in investment analysis.Prerequisites: TADI30 Mathematics, TAEI40 Mathematics, TAMI20 Mathematics, TNIU50 Applied mathematics and statistics.Course organization: The course is based on lectures and classes. During the lectures basic theory and descriptive overviews are presented. Problem solving and case discussions will dominate during the classes. Course content: Economic information systems. Annual reports. Information support systems. Accounts analysis. Liquidity, solidity, profitability. Balance sheet allocations. Hidden reserves. Methods of financing; loans, internal cash flow, issues. Budgeting. Managerial economics. Cost accounting. Profit planning. Problems concerning best product choice. Investment analysis. Methods of calculation. Exchange calculation. Cases. Course literature: Andersson, G.: Kalkyler som beslutsunderlag, Studentlitteratur, Lund, 1991. Blomquist/Leonardz: Årsredovisningen - en introduktion, Liber, Malmö, 1991. Grubbström/Lundquist: Investerings- och finansieringsanalys, IPE, Linköping, 1994. Compendium and hand-outs |