studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TNM052 Modelling and Animation, 5 p (sw)
/Modellering och animering/

Advancement level:

Provide knowledge of current and advanced methods in computer graphics for modeling and animation of virtual objects.

TNM002/TNM005 Datorgrafik, TNM008 3D datorgrafik och VR, TNG002 Linjär algebra, TNG010 Flervariabelanalys, TNG012 Fysikaliska modeller, Programmering

Course organization:
The course starts with a series of lectures, providing an overview and presenting the theory in the field. The lecture material is accompanied by a set of laboratory exercises to demonstrate the theory in action. Towards the end of the course there is a more extensive project assignment. At the end of the course a written exam is given. To complete the course, students must have passed the lab exercises, the project assignment and the written exam. Grades are based entirely on the written exam.

Course content:
Facial animation and modeling. Subdivision surfaces. Non-photorealistic rendering. Camera issues in keyframe animation. Procedural modeling. Procedural animation. Physics simulation and inverse kinematics. Hair and cloth. Artificial intelligence in animation.

Course literature:
To be annonced. Additionaly, the course aims at providing knowledge of current research and development, so the course material will partly consist of research papers in the field. Such additional material will be distributed by the department.

Course language is English.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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