studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TNIU62 Signal Processors, 4 p (sw)

Advancement level:

The primary content of lectures intend to explain the user aspects related to our processor Sharc AD21061. A signal processor is specialized towards extremely rapid numerical calculations, well suited for real time manipulation of sound. The course as a whole will give a feeling for its usefulness for real time manipulation of signals.

The theoretic content is mainly from previous courses at the DE, particularly "Time discrete signal processing" (TNDE60)

Course organization:
The Signalprocessor course (4p) consists of three parts: Lectures, laboratory work and projects. Lectures are preparations for the laboratory parts. Projects, of limitied scope, are extensions of the laboratory parts, with individually selected contents. That work is prefferably done in groups of two persons and is examined by a tecnical report.

Course content:
We will focus on signal processing emphasising how algorithms are implemented in these calculation units. We are using a development system where it is easy to pick up analog signals, process and send it back out, often as audio. We reconsiders the FFT, DFT and different filters, but will study more thoroughly, how such algorithms are implemeted in functional programs. Laboratory work deals mainly with the development environment and implementation of filters. MATLAB is being used to study the algorithms, as part of the implementation work.

Course literature:
Steiglitz K: A Digital Signal Proocessing Primer with applications to Digital audio and Computer Music (recommended but not neccesary)

The course as a whole requires an accepted laboratory part and an accepted technical report. This also includes a demonstration of the project results.

Course language is Swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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