studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TNDE78 Electrical Power Systems, 5 p (sw)

Advancement level:

The course will give knowledge about the 3-phase system, the theory for electric machines and their operation.

Circuit theory, Transforms

Supplementary courses:
TNDE65 Power Electronics, TNEI45 Electrical Drives.

Course organization:
The teaching consists of lectures, laboratory work and a project work.

Course content:
The three-phase system: Power measurememt, equivalent circuits, voltage drop, power losses, phase compensation and different grounding systemes. Transformers: Basic considerations. No-load conditions. Load conditions. Equivalent circuits. Efficiency. Per-unit system. Autotransformers. Current transformers. Voltage transformers. Inductions machines: Rotating magnetic field. The 3-phase induction motor. Principle of action. Synchronous speed and slip. Performens. Torque-speed characteristics. Double-cage motors. Starting methods. Slip-ring induction motor. Efficiency. Single phase induction motor. Synchronous machines: Construction of synchronous machines. Synchronizing to a net. Power and torque characteristics. DC machines: General principles. Armature windings. Commutator and brushgear. Armature reaction and interpoles. As generator and as motor. Speed control. Efficiency.

Course literature:
To be announced later.

Course language is Swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


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