studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TMPS05 Computerized Product Planning Process, 5 p (sw)
/Datorstödd produktframställning/

Advancement level:

To encourage the utilization of computer and computer related applications in the fields of operation of machines and plants for discrete manufacturing industries, such as automotive, machine tool, appliance, aircraft, electronics, furniture and similar related industries

TMPT32/TMPT34 Production Engineering, TMPT63 Computerized Manufacturing

Course organization:
Lectures, seminars, computer related teamwork, laboratory work and study visits.

Course content:
- Standards, design and implementation of computer aided manufacturing - Product data management - Integration of CAD and CAM - Use of interactive graphics in design and use of machines and automated manufacturing systems - Computer aided manufactuirng - Geometry tool (CNC programming) - Technology tools (decision support) - Computer aided quality control (CMM) - Offline robot programming - Computer aided process and operation planning and optimization - Artificial intelligence in CAM - Economic and social implications of computer aided manufacturing

Course literature:
Compendium and lab. instructions produced by the Division of Industrial Engineering, LiTH

Course language is Swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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