studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TMPS03 Automated Manufacturing Machinetools, 5 p (sw)
/Automatiska produktionsmaskiner/

Advancement level:

The aim of the course is to inform the students about the technologies that are used in advanced automatic production machines and to introduce the students to the cross technological work which is implied in the development of automatic production machines. Emphasis is put on the use of computer aids in the optimisation of mechanics and in the use of computers in machine control. The application of peak technologies is often included in such developments. As a rule there is need to combine advanced mechanics with electronics and computer control. It is also necessary to reach a very high level of automation.

TMPT32 Production Technology M, TMPT63 Computerised Manufacturing Equipment

Course organization:
The course is given during one study period. Theory is addressed during lectures. Experimental work is performed in the laboratory under supervision. A project task is: Design of a numerical control system, Dimensioning of a machine contruction by means of FEM-technology, Design of a man-machine interfaces.

Course content:
- New machine concepts - Principles of numerical control - System programming, desgn and alternatives - Automation components, specifically sensors, servo motors and valves - The choice and dimensioning of mechanical part such as spindles, bearings, screws, gears and guides - New mechanisms such as Stewart platforms - The design and dimensioning of fundaments - The design of man-machine interfaces

Course literature:
Compendium: Tekniken i verktygsmaskiner, IKP, LiTH - Individually chosen literature

Written examination and approved project work

Course language is Swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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