studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TMMV46 Energy Technology, project, 2 p (sw)
/Energiteknik - projekt/

Advancement level:

The course will provide skills necessary for carrying out energy technological studies on both component and system level.

Energy technology

Supplementary courses:
Aerodynamics, Applied science of motion and heat transfer, Aircraft engines, Hydraulic servo systems, hydromechanical servo transmissions, Fluid Power System Design, Transmissions and Tribology, Renewable Energy, Simulation of Complex Energy Systems, Industrial Energy Systems.

Course organization:
The allotted course time is used to complete two projects.

Course content:
One project in the course considers the analysis of a system component in the area of energy technology. The other project involves the analysis of a larger energy system. The first project primarily uses knowledge in applied thermodynamics, the science of motion, and heat transfer, but also knowledge concerning power supply, distribution, and energy consumption. In the second project the emphasis is reversed.

Course literature:
Introduction to Thermal Science, F.W. Schmidt, R.E. Henderson, C.H. Wolgemuth. Wiley. Articles from Applied Thermodynamics and heat Transfer as well as Energy Systems, IKP, LiTH

PRO1 Project course (Assessment: pass/failed)

Course language is Swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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