studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TMMT34 Industrial Production Y, 3,5 p (sw)
/Industriell produktion Y/

Advancement level:

The aim is to give the students general knowledge about and understanding ofmodern industrial production. The course will concentrate on the type of advanced production represented by modern electronics and workshop industry. The rationale of this course is that production will become more important in all kinds of manufacturing companies. In addition, the trend is that different personnel categories will have to co-operate in projects, which will especially be the case for designers and production personnel. This means that knowledge and understanding about modern industrial manufacturing is of great importance also to engineers who are not pure production technicians. Even today's products and manufacturing systems are designed and co-ordinated in parallel, so called "concurrent engineering". The products of tomorrow must to a greater extent be designed for manufacturability. A company's design department and production department can no longer manage on their own, but will have to co-operate.

Supplementary courses:
TMPS02 Electronic Manufacturing

Course organization:
Lectures, classes, study tours and laboratory exercises. Several study visits will be made to givethe students an insight into real-life manufacturing. Visiting lecturers from industry will play an important role in this course.

Course content:
- Manufacturing technology - Production technology - The importance of product design in production - Quality Control (QC) - Production organisation - Production economics - Material and production control

Course literature:
J. Andersson, B. Audell, E. Giertz, G. Reiberger: Produktion - Strategier och metoder för effektivare tillverkning, CE Fritzes-förlagen, ISBN 91-38-50120-1 Lab memos Supplementary material.

Course language is Swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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