studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TMMS20 Structural Optimization, 4 p (sw)

Advancement level:

In structural optimization the interest is to study the problem to find the best design. The word "best" has to be given a certain meaning, it could be to minimize the structural weight or to maximize the stiffness. The course aims at giving knowledge and understanding for mathematical models for obtaining maximum efficient load-carrying structures and skill in using or implementing the corresponding computer based tools.

The finite element method and basic and advanced courses in solid mechanics. The courses Linear and Nonlinear Optimization and preferably Models of Mechanics.

Supplementary courses:
Project course in Mechanical Engineering Systems.

Course organization:
Lectures, lessons and computer exercises.

Course content:
Repetition of optimzation theory; Lagrangian duality and KKT-conditions. Calculus of variations and energy principles in solid mechanics. Classification of structural optimization problems. Basic concepts. General mathematical formulations. Explicit approximations: SLP, SQP, CONLIN, OC, MMA. Sensitivity analysis. Shape optimization. Strucures of maximum stiffness and topology optimization. The SIMP-method. Computer exercises on shape and topology optimization will be performed with the FEM program TRINITAS.

Course literature:
(Elastostatikens energiprinciper, Klarbring) A Brief Introduction to Structural Optimization, Klarbring and Christensen. Shape Optimization with TRINITAS. Christensen. Lecture notes and problem exercises will be handed out.

Course language is Swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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