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Linköpings tekniska högskola

TMME24 Engineering Mechanics Y, 7 p (sw)
/Mekanik Y/

Advancement level:

To familiarize the students with the basic laws within classical mechanics and the skill to apply the laws to concrete mechanical problems independently.

TATM 06 Calculus Y, TATM 18 Linear algebra 1 as well as TATM 41 Vector calculus

Supplementary courses:
TMHL Mechanics of Materials, TMMV Mechanical heat and flow theory

Course organization:
The lectures treat important sections and can include not only theory but also illustrative experiments. Computational exercises in association with the lectures. The course is divided into two sections.

Course content:
Part 1. Statics (basic concepts, force and couple reduction of force systems and rigid body equilibrium, center of mass). Particle kinematics (velocity and acceleration, collinear motion, plane curvilinear motion in cartesian, natural and polar coordinates, general curvilinear motion in cartesian coordinates, general about relative motion). Particle kinetics (force equation, work and energy, kinetic energy and potential energy, impulse and momentum, impact, central force motion, force equation in rotating coordinate systems, vibration). Part 2 Rigid body plane kinematics (angular velocity and angular acceleration, relative velocity and relative acceleration in translating and rotating coordinate systems). Kinetics of the particle system (center of mass, and center of gravity). Rigid body plane kinetics (moment of inertia, work and energy, impulse and momentum, impact). Rigid body three dimensional kinematics (absolute and relative motion in translated and rotating reference systems). Rigid body three dimensional kinetics (momentum, inertia matrix, Euler´s equations, fixed axis rotation, fixed point rotation, general three dimensional motion, kinetic energy, gyroscopic motion).

Course literature:
A. Pytel and J. Kiusalaas: Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company

UPG1 Two computer based exercises, one on each part, 0 points An examination is held after each subcourse. The examinations are designed in a problem solving format, with a maximum score of 15 points. 6 points are passing.

Course language is Swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


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