studiehandbok@lith | ||
TMME18 | Engineering Mechanics, 8 p (sw) /Mekanik I/ Advancement level: B | |
Aim: To familiarize the student with the basic laws of classical mechanics and develop the ability to analyse and solve problems.Prerequisites: Algebra, Calculus.Supplementary courses: Solid mechanics, Fluid mechanics, Machine elements, Control Theory.Course organization: The course is divided into two parts. Part 1 is given as lectures and classes and part 2 as lectures.Course content: Part 1. Statistics: two- and three-dimensional force systems, couples, reduction of force systems, static equilibrium, center of gravity, Coulomb's law of friction, belt friction. Dynamics of a particle: Newton's laws of motion, velocity and acceleration in rectangular and curvilinear coordinates, work--energy and impulse--momentum principles, impact, vibrations. Part 2. Rigid body dynamics: kinematics (method of relative velocity and acceleration, instant center of velocity), absolute and relative derivatives of vectors, kinetics (Euler's law of motion, work--energy and impulse--momentum principles) and applications (impact, gyroscopic motion, dynamically unbalanced bodies). A computer assignment (formulation and numerical solution of the governing equations of a mechanical system).Course literature: Pytel, A. and Kiusalaas, J: Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics, Brooke/Cole Publishing Company |