studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TMKM40 Engineering Materials - New Materials, 4 p (sw)
/KM- nya material/

Advancement level:

The course gives an overview of engineering materials with respect to recent trends. Examples of special material applications demonstrating various physical and engineering properties and combinations of these. Special emphasis is put on powder metallurgical materials and ceramics. A survey of advanced surface coating methods will also be given.

Advancement levels A and B of material science and engineering materials, emphasising metals and polymers. Advancement level B in physics and solid mechanics.

Course organization:
Teaching is in the form of lectures, seminars and laboratory work. In addition, a material selection task including analysis, selection and reporting is done by the students.

Course content:
The basics of powder metallurgical (PM) manufacturing of metals and hard metals will be given. Powder manufacturing, compaction and sintering are treated. Advantages and disadvantages of PM-technology are discussed. Modern constructional ceramics are described in their most important properties and applications presented. For both PM-metals and ceramics it holds that material processing and component manufacturing go hand-in-hand and require designers and material specialists to work together to obtain the desired end results. As a final part of the course an overview of advanced coating methods till be given, in particular hard coatings and plasma spraying.

Course literature:
German, "Power Metallurgy Science". Collection of papers.

Course language is English.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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