studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TMIU40 Man, technology and organization, 3 p (sw)
/Människa, teknik, organisation/

Advancement level:

Afer passing this course, the student should have: - insight in aspects concerning design of man-technology-organisation, taking into account the operator's needs and qualifications. - understanding man - technology - organisation interaction and its influence on security, quality and productivity. - knowledge about the labour market laws and regulations.

Course organization:
The course consists of lecturs, class interactions, laboratory exercises and a project work.

Course content:
Man-Technology-Organisation Interaction. Definition of Ergonomics.Organisational and socio-psychological aspects. Cognitive ergonomics, work physiology and biomechanics. Physical work environment factors; thermal climate, light radiation, noise. Labour market and laws and regulations. Sick leave, working with illnes and accidents. Quality and productivity.

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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