studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

THTY15 German for Engineers, 5,5 p (sw)
/Tyska Ii II/

Advancement level:

Students will be given the opportunity to improve their knowledge of, and skills in, the German language, with an emphasis on economic and technical terminology. In addition, they will acquire an overview of the culture and social structure of German-speaking countries, in particular the economic situation. Students will be trained to make contrastive analysis of the language and content so as to be able both to study and represent a Swedish company in German-speaking countries.

Course organization:
The course is made up of lectures, lessons (with exercises), group work (pronunciation, oral presentation), seminars, and oral and written reports. The course extends over two period (periods 3 and 4) in the spring term.

Course content:
Revision and further studies of syntax and word formation. (Grammar II). Linguistic analysis of technical texts. Pronunciation exercises. Reading comprehension and vocabulary, including texts on economics and technology. The culture of the German-speaking countries, covering, among other things, works of fiction, cultural history and current affairs. Free writing (letters, applications) and translation to and from German.

Course literature:
To be decided

TEN 1 Written examination, grammar II, 2 credits (after 2 periods). TEN 2 Written examination, technical-economic text and social background studies (after the final period) PRA 1 Pronunciation test, during period 3 PRA 2 Reading comprehension, compulsory attendance at text seminars, vocabulary test PRA 3 Culture course, active participation, oral presentation of seminar assignment.

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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