studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

THFR02 Technical French, 4 p (sw)
/Teknisk franska/

Advancement level:

The course aims to provide students with an active command of basic vocabulary and phrases within their subject areas an ability to read and understand complicated texts in the areas of electronics, computer engineering, and data processing some ability to express themselves in French in speech and writing some knowledge of the culture and social structure of French-speaking countries

French as a second foreign language or equivalent

Course organization:
Ninety hours' teaching in the form of seminars over three periods with 30 hours in each period.

Course content:
Repetition of French grammar. Studies of basic terminology in the areas of electrical engineering, electronics, computer engineering, and data processing. Reading and discussion of long, topical articles in the subject areas.

Course literature:
Holmberg, Klum, Girod: Modern fransk grammatik. Aranda, Jean: Kompendier I och II i franska grammatiska övningar. A selection of French handbooks in engineering. Compendium.

TEN1 Oral examination. TEN2 Written examination.

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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