studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TFYY08 Applied Optics, 3 p (sw)
/Tillämpad optik/

Advancement level:

The purpose of the course is to give the physical background to linear optical properties of solid materials and to give examples of how these properties can be used in measurement methods and optical systems.

TFFY 70 Physics of Condensed Matter part I is recommended.

Course organization:
The course consists of lectures during which the most important theory is discussed. Some of the lectures are devoted to problem solving. External lectures are invited to give the course a wider perspective. If possible, a study trip will be organised.

Course content:
The course is strongly related to the research carried out at the department. It deals mainly with material optics and optical methods for studies of surfaces and interdisciplinary applications of these methods in physics, biology and chemistry. Approximately half of the time is spent on basic optics including optical response, inhomogeneous materials, polarised light, reflection and transmission. In the second half of the course applications are described in terms of different measuring principles like ellipsometry, infrared spectroscopy, suface plasmon resonance, reflectance measurements etc. Current research projects will be discussed like conducting polymers, biomaterials, optical sensors and protein dynamics.

Course literature:
Lecture notes and reprints (Thin Film Optics, H Arwin)

Course language is English.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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