studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TFMJ12 Environmental Science, 3 p (sw)

Advancement level:

The objective of the course is to provide a basic understanding of ecology (on land and in water) and the functions in the atmosphere. Discussions are held concerning the complexity and origin of environmental problems, especially pollution problems connected to water quality and land use. A comprehensive view of products (environment, resource and energy) is central. Different aspects on environmental protection, management and legislation are presented.

High school chemistry.

Supplementary courses:
TFMJ 02 Environmental Technology TFMJ 04 Environmental Measurement Technology TFMJ 05 Environmentally Sustainable Materials TFMJ 06 Environmental Management Strategies TFMJ 07 Life Cycle Assessment and Ecodesign TFMJ 08 Environmental Impact Assessment

Course organization:
The course includes lectures and 3 excursions à 8 hours.

Course content:
Reactions, influences and movements of substances in the ground, water and air. Threats towards the environment. Acidification, overfeeding and the greenhouse effect. The instruments of control used in environmental work. How companies deal with environmental problems.

Course literature:
Kompendium i miljövård del 4, Miljöeffekter, KTH

The grading is approved/not approved.

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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