studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TFFY98 Classical Electrodynamics, 3 p (sw)
/Elektromagnetisk fältteori och vågutbredning/

Advancement level:

The course is intended to give a good knowledge about Maxwells equations, methods to solve these equations and various types of electromagnetic systems of interest for technological applications as well as from a fundamental point of view.

TFYY29 Wave physics, TFFY 39 Electromagnetic Field Theory, TATM 41 Vector Analysis

Supplementary courses:
TFYY03 Antenna theory

Course organization:
Seminars presenting theory and exemplifying excercises.

Course content:
Multipole moments of charge- and current density distributions, refraction of electromagnetic waves at insulator- and metal surfaces, wave guides, simple radiating systems and radiation from accelerated charged particles, relativistic effects.

Course literature:
Marion-Heald, Classical electromagnetic radiation, Sunders College Publishing, 1995. Collection of problems.

Course language is English.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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