studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TFFY74 Nonlinear Optics, 3,5 p (sw)
/Ickelinjär optik/

Advancement level:

To provide basic knowledge about engineering optical physics and photonics with particular aim on the field of nonlinear optics. Beside a deeper insight in the physics behind nonlinear optical phenomena the course shall also develop mathematical skill and use tensor analysis and electrodynamics to solve problems occurring in modern applied optics and photonics. Examples on applications to be staudied are: frequency conversion, electrooptic modulation and selected phenomena originating from an intensity dependent refractive index. Next occasion will focus on optical amplifyers in integrated guided wave optics and/or fiber optics.

TFFY02 (mathematical methods of physics) and TFFY39 Electromagnetism.

Course organization:
Lectures, excersises and laborations. Invited researchers from industry will speak about their projects within photonic applications.

Course content:
- Basic electrodynamics and the Maxwell's equations. - Linear to nonlinear responsfunctions (classical). - Introduction to cartesic tensors. - Transformation of higher rank tensors. - SVEA and mode coupling theory. - Crystal optics. - Frequency conversion. - Guided wave optics. - Optical phase conjugation. - Solitons for nonlinear fiber optics. - Optical amplification

Course literature:
Lectures notes distributed by course organizer. Copies of selected scientific publications.

Course language is Swedish or English depending on the audience.

Course language is English.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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