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Linköpings tekniska högskola

TFFY25 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, 3,5 p (sw)
/Termodynamik och statistisk mekanik/

Advancement level:

One of the goals is to give a good understanding of how the classical thermodynamics can be derived from a statistical description of quantum mechanical systems. An other goal is to show the wide area of applicability of statistical physics - metallurgy, medicine, biology, chemistry, astronomy, environmental issues, heat engines, electronics... .

TATM06 Calculus Y, TFFY17 Modern Physics Y

Course organization:
The course is presented on 30h of lectures and 18h of problem solving.

Course content:
The statistical definitions of entropy, temperature, pressure and chemical potential constitutes the starting point. Other concepts that are presented is: multiplicity, ensemble average, specific heat, Boltzmann factor, partition function, thermodynamic identity, Helmholtz free energy, classical ideal gas, quantum concentration, Sackur-Tetrodes equation, Planck radiation law, Stefan-Boltzmanns law, emissivity, photon gas, greenhouse effect, heat shields, internal and external chemical potential, Gibbs factor, Gibbs sum (grand partition function), absolute activity, Langmuir adsorption isotherm, orbital, Pauli exclusion principle, Fermi-Dirac distribution, Bose-Einstein distribution, internal partition function, reversibility, free electron model, density of states, chemical potential as a normalizing constant, heat, work, heat engine, refrigerator, heat pump, Carnot process, adiabatic process, isothermal process, Gibbs free energy, law of mass action, vapor pressure, phase transformation, Clausius-Clapeyron equation, van der Waals equation.

Course literature:
Kittel and Kroemer: Thermal physics 2nd ed., Freeman.

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


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