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TFFY02 | Mathematical Methods of Physics, 3 p (sw) /Fysikens matematiska metoder/ Advancement level: C | |
Aim: The course is aimed at making the students familiar with the basic equations of the mathematical physics and the methods of their solutions. The emphasis will be on the most frequently used partial differential equations and the special functions involved in the solution of these equations. Prerequisites: ATM06 Analysis for Y, ATM22 Linear algebra, ATM41 Vector analysis I, ATM50 Theory of analytic functions, ATM51 Transform theory.Supplementary courses: TFFY98 Classical ElectrodynamicsCourse organization: Seminars including theory and problem solving following a special plan presented at the beginning of the course.Course content: Classification of partial differential equations of mathematical physics. Laplace's-, Poisson's-, wave-, heat transfer- and, Schrodinger- equations. Methods of solution: separation of variables, orthogonal set expansion, Fourier- and Laplace transforms, Green's functions. Boundary value problems. Sturm-Liouvilleproblem. Fourier series and integrals. Cylindrical and spherical functions. Orthogonal polynomials. Course literature: Mary L. Boas: Mathematical methods in the physical sciences. Second ed., John Wiley & Sons. |