studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TETS14 Engineering Logistics, 3 p (sw)
/Teknisk logistik/

Advancement level:

The main aim of the course is to create an understanding of engineering logistics in transport systems for goods. Buyers as well as producers of services in transports and logistics are part of a transport system. The interrelation and co-operation between buyers and producers is studied in terms of technology and economics. An important part in the course is the use of computerized tools for analysis of transport systems.

TEIE20 Economic Theory.

Course organization:
Lectures, seminars, and laborations with case projects.

Course content:
The course content consists of three parts: - Engineering logistics and the activities in a transport system - Management and control of the activities - Localization and dimensioning 1. In the first part engineering logistics is described including the activities that are performed by transport- and logistics companies in transport systems. Goods transports within different transport modes are focused as well as the resources which are needed, e.g. administrative-, handling- and information activities. 2. The second part concerns planning and management of resources within a given structure, e.g. different kinds of resource utilization, vehicle routing and planning, and management of container systems. 3. The third part deals with the design of transport systems, e.g. localization and dimensioning of terminals and warehouses, and choices of containers and dimensioning of container systems.

Course literature:
Lumsden Kenth, Logistikens grunder, Studentlitteratur, 1998.

Course language is Swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


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