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TETS09 | Integrated Logistics, 5,5 p (sw) /Integrerad logistik/ Advancement level: D | |
Aim: The course builds further on and enters deeply the knowledge from Basic Logistics. While the basic course is focusing on logistics in a separate company, this course widens the horizon in order to study how companies could collaborate for creating efficient processing chains, so called supply chains. The focus of the course is Supply Chain Management (SCM). To co-ordinate material and information flows into refinement chains is indeed of very immediate interest in many trades today. The deep enters into the course are made above all on the tactical and strategic levels. The course also gives basic knowledge of methodology. Practical experiences of how the theories could be applied are given in cases and a bigger investigation work in the form of a seminar about a real problem in a company. Prerequisites: TETS 07 Basic logistics I, or TETS 15 Basic Logistics M Course organization: Lectures (also visiting lectures from indusry), cases and seminars. The seminar project is made in groups of 4 students and is reported in stages. Attendance at oral presentation of reports and oral opposition.Course content: The three main subject areas are: - Deepened logistics theory - Implementation - Application Deepened logistic theory starts with a lecture in systems analysis. The next part contains the ÓbricksÓ which include distribution theories, manufacturing planning and control, transformation of manufacturing systems and supply theories. Time based managment and competitive advantages through logistics is another part of the deepened part. Also a lecture in supply chain managment is given. Implementation includes investigation theories, measuring logistics, redesign of the logistics system and logitics organisation. Seminar project inclusive oral and written report, which is marked and weighed together with the oral examination UPG1 Approved casesApplication includes cases and a seminar project. |