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TEIE92 | Computer Law, 2 p (sw) /Datajuridisk översiktskurs/ Advancement level: B | |
Aim: The course aims to give a general introduction to the legal system plus basic knowledge in the main area of computer law, giving students such proficiency in the subject that having completed this course, they can individually solve simple legal matters and not only follow and understand more complicated legal reasoning, but also be able to judge when judicial expertise is needed.Prerequisites: Basic course in computer technology.Course organization: Lectures based on course literature.Course content: 1 Law and The Legal System: The nature and grouping/classification of the legal system. The Court System, Arbitration, the making and publication of laws. 2 Property Law: The drawing up and evaluation of contracts and the required specifications when buying and selling computers, software and consultancy services. An examination of the market's standard contracts regarding ADB services. 3 Responsibility, damages, insurance matters and other risk management involved in computer use. 4 Computer Crime: What is computer crime what laws are there and how to investigating and sentencing authorities work? Evidence and assessment of disloyal use. 5 Licensing by the Swedish data inspection board according to the data protection act. Application of the principle of public access to official records to ADB material. 6 Copyright protection with regard to software, consultancy services and employees software production. Protection of company secrets. 7 Association Law: Different types of company. Private companies. Trading companies: Establishment, organisation, owner's responsibility. Economic associations. Joint-stock companies: etablishment, changes in and payment of share capital, protection of share capital, organisation, the company's rights and obligations, annual accounts dissolution/winding up of the company. 8 Labour Law: various in the labour market, negotiation and union right, right of participation in decisions making, collective contract/collective wage agreement, industrial action, mediating, the individual employment contract, job security agreements and holiday rights.Course literature: Hellgren and others: En introduktion till IT rätten Roos, C.M.: Företagsformer Lagtextkompendium, 1996Assessment: | ||
Written examination where the use of non-annotated legal textbooks may be used as aids, 2 0. |