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TEIE75 | Civil and Commercial Law, 2 p (sw) /Affärsrätt M/ Advancement level: B | |
Aim: The aim of the course is to impart knowledge of the general legal system which daily faces a person in a managerial position in his contacts with his clients, customers and employees. After completion of this course students should be able to solve simple legal matters within the areas covered, be able to judge when to seek judicial expertise as well as follow and understand more complicated legal reasoning.Prerequisites: Industrial economy or basic industrial economy.Course organization: Lectures are based on course literature. Large seminars provide training in how to find out which the applicable laws are and how to identify legal matters in a complex society.Course content: 1 Law and the Legal System: Nature and classification of the legal system. The court system. Founding and publication of laws. 2 Property Law a) Contract Law: Entering into a contract, invalid contracts, modification and exclusion of unjustifiable terms and conditions, powers of attorney, standard contracts. b) Buyers Rights: Parties' obligations, breach of contract, hire-purchase, consumer purchasing, door-to-door sales. c) Buying on Credit: Different types of indebtness (promissory notes, cheques, bills of exchange), different forms of security, statute of limitations, debt collection. d) Law of Association: Different types of company. Private companies. Trading companies: Establishment, organisation, owner's responsibility. Economic associations. Joint-stock companies: Establishment, changes in and payment of share capital, protection of share capital, organisation, the company's rights and obligations, annual accounts and dissolution of the company. e) Labour Law: Various parties in the labour market, negotiation and union rights, right of participation decision making, collective contracts, industrial action, mediating, the individual employment contract, job security agreements and holiday rights. f) Non-material Rights: Copyright, patenting rights, design rights, trademark rights and business rights. 3 Market Rights and Company secrets. 4 Employers' penalties.Course literature: Malmström and others: Civilrätt. Roos C.M.: Företagsformer. Hellgren and others: Immaterial-, marknads- och konkurrensrätt- en introduktion. Lagtextsamling för industriell juridik 1997.Assessment: | ||
Written exam where the use of non-annotated legal textbooks may be used. |