studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TEIE06 Corporate Planning, 4 p (sw)
/Integrerad företagsplanering/

Advancement level:

The course is the last compulsory course with an economic direction in the study program. The store of knowledge that was received in the previous courses is integrated in the course in a form of a practical case aimed at smaller enterprises. The enterprise is analysed here either externally or internally as well as from technical and economic points of view. Thus a deeper knowledge about coordination between the different parts of the enterprise is being received.

All compulsory courses in the economic subjects for the first three years of studies as well as TEIE 04 Strategic Planning and the basic technical courses.

Course organization:
The main part of the course consists of the work on a big practical case. Lectures and general seminars aim to support this work. External consultants are made available. The work on the practical case requires presence and active efforts that includes the visit to the enterprise as well as written and oral report.

Course content:
1 The corporate planning applied on the smaller enterprise. Family enterprises and other smaller enterprises. 2 Evaluation of technology and production facilities. 3 Analysis of other internal conditions of the enterprise. Strengths and weaknesses. 4 Analysis of the surrounding world. Threats and opportunities in the short and in the long run. 5 Interview and presentation techniques.

Course literature:
According to later instructions.

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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