studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TDDI60 Technical Databases, 4 p (sw)
/Tekniska databaser/

Advancement level:

This course will give principles and practical solutions for storage and retrieval of information using a computer system, particularly for large quantities of data, and with an emphasis on technology and technical applications.

1. Elementary knowledge about computers, and some experience with IDA's SUN system, corresponding to the course TDDA 07 Introduction Computer Science and Computer Equipment. 2. Knowledge about programming. 3. Knowledge about data structures and algorithms.

Course organization:
The course consists of a series of lectures, exercise sessions and laboratory work.

Course content:
This course covers the fundamentals of the database field. The subject of the database field is how to use computers to store and manage data, usually large quantities of data. If you are going to create a database that models part of the real world, for example a company or some other organization, the first step is usually to make a description of the structure and function of that part of the real world, i. e. a conceptual data model . In this course we will learn, and use, a method called Entity-Relationship modeling. The conceptual model actually has nothing at all to do with computers, since it is just a description of the world, which could equally well be used e. g. by someone who needs to study the internal functioning of the company. If you want to create a data base in a computer you must first translate the conceptual data model to an implementation data model , which is then used to implement the database. There are several different classes of implementation data models, and in this course we will study the hierarchical model, the network model, the relational model, and object-oriented models. The emphasis is on the relational model. A database is a collection of data. It is usually managed by a special program or program system, called a database management system , DBMS for short. During the course we will study how a DBMS is structured and how it functions, among other things how it stores its data internally, how it prevents unauthorized access to the data, and how it solves the problems that arise when several users simultaneously want to look at or change the data. Since we want to access the data base, i. e. ask questions about the data, change the data, or define which data that are to be stored, the data base management system provides several interfaces, for example different query languages. We will look at some of these interfaces, mostly for the relational model. The emphasis is on the query language SQL.

Course literature:
Elmasri, Navathe, Fundamentals of database systems (3rd edition), Addison-Wesley, 2000. Course compendium.

Course language is swedish and english.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


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