studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TDDB41 Computability and Complexity Theory, 3 p (sw)

Advancement level:

The aim of this course is to present some of the most significant results obtained in complexity theory.

Basic knowledge of formal languages, automata theory, design and analysis of algorithms, and discrete mathematics. Probability theory and optimization

Supplementary courses:
TDDA 32 Design and analysis of algorithms.

Course organization:
The content of the course is presented during the lectures by the course leader and the participants.

Course content:
Elements of computability theory, complexity classes, the classes P and NP, complexity of optimization problems, beyond NP, space-complexity classes, probabilistic algorithms and complexity classes.

Course literature:
Bovet, D.P., Crescenzi, P., Introduction to the Theory of Complexity. First edition

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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