studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TDDB28 Programming and Data Structures, 6 p (sw)
/Programmering - tillämpning och datastrukturer/

Advancement level:

This course is a deeper study in application programming, and this in a wide spread, object- oriented programming language. The course shall also teach frequently used data structures and algorithms.

TDDB 25 Programming - abstraction and modelling (or equivalent).

Supplementary courses:
Courses teaching e.g. compilers and interpreters, object-oriented systems development, data bases, realtime- and process programming

Course organization:
The lectures covers the main part of the programming language, object-oriented analysis and design, data structures and algorithms. During the seminars, exercises will be carried out, and laboratory work will be prepared. Laboratory work consists of programming assignments. A project work consisting of object-oriented analysis, design, documentation and implementation is to be carried out.

Course content:
The programming language, simple object-oriented analysis and design, object-oriented programming. Data structures: lists, stack, queue, various forms of tree structures, hash tables and priority queues. Searching and sorting. Basics of analysis of algorithms. A small programming project.

Course literature:
Information about course literature will be given in the course information, distributed shortly before the course starts, and also on the course's web pages,

Course language is Swedish/english.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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