studiehandbok@lith | ||
TDDB21 | Programming and Data Structures, 4 p (sw) /Programmering - tillämpningar och datastrukturer/ Advancement level: B | |
Aim: This course is supposed to give the participants knowledge of program design in practice and with a language used by the industry. The aims of the course is to give knowledge of the Ada language, frequently used data structures and algorithms, and programming methodology related to the object oriented view of program design.Prerequisites: Experiences from the use of computers and Ada.Supplementary courses: Data bases, Compilers and interpreters, Realtime- and process programming, Object-oriented systems development. Course organization: The lectures and lessons will introduce new concepts oin the Ada language, principal aspects of data structures and algorithms, a survey of Software Engineering, and methodology of analysis and design. This material will be praticed by computer exercises of various types. An assignment consisting of analysis, design and implementation will also be carried out.Course content: The programming language Ada: its origin, basic structures, packages, exceptions, generic units. Ada95 and its support for object oriented programming. Data structures: abstract data types, lists, stacks, queues, hash tables. A survey of Software Engineering and the life cycle of software systems. Introduction to the methodology of object oriented analysis and design.Course literature: Barnes J G P: Programming in Ada 95, Addison-Wesley, 1995. Course material from the Dept. of Computer and Information Science (IDA) |