studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TDDA94 Introduction to Linguistics, 3 p (sw)
/Lingvistik, grk/

Advancement level:

The course includes the fundamentals of linguistic theory and Swedish grammar.

Knowledge of Swedish.

Supplementary courses:
TDDA 86 Computational Linguistics TDDA 99 Cognitive Science Models of Communication

Course content:
Introduction: What is linguistics? Linguistics and computers. Phonology: The relationship between spoken and written language. Acoustic phenomena. Phonemic analysis, phonotactic structure. Morphology: Inflection, derivation, compounds. Types of morpheme. Morpheme analysis. Quantitative methods. Introduction to grammar: Traditional grammar: word classes, clause analysis, position grammar. Syntax: Syntactic structure: context-free phrase structure grammar and extensions. Semantics och pragmatics: Basic word- and clause semantic concepts and distinctions. Speech Act Theory. Information content.

Course literature:
Allwood, Jens och Andersson, Lars-Gunnar, Semantik. Guling 1. Göteborgs universitet 1984. Jörgensen, Nils och Svensson, Jan, Nusvensk grammatik, Liber, 1987. Compendium compiled at the Department of Computer and Information Science

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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