studiehandbok@lith | ![]() |
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TBMT01 | Biomedical Signal Processing, 4 p (sw) /Analys av bioelektriska signaler/ Advancement level: C | |
Aim: The course gives an in-depth analysis of the origin and processing of physiological signals. In particular, electrophysiological signals generated by the heart as well as the central and peripheral nervous system are studied. Various models for analysis of these signals are presented and discussed. The course also comprise different methods for digital signal processing. Prerequisites: TSIT 64 Signal Theory Y TBME 50 Biomedical Engineering TBME 02 Anatomy and Physiology Supplementary courses: TSTE 77 Digital filters TFMÄ 52 Computers in Measurement and Signal Processing TBMT 02 Medical ImagingCourse content: Signal analysis time- and frequency, sampling, digital signals, Fouriertransform (FFT), estimation of the power spectrum, input windows, leakage, aliasing, convolution and correlation properties, z-transform, digital filters Physiological and mathematical models of bioelectricity cell membrane, resting- and action potentials, Nernst equation volume conducting, forward- och inverse problems Measurement of bioelectrical signals electrode properties, measurement systems Electrocardiography origin of the ECG, ECG-leads, ECG analysis Neurophysiology nervous system, muscles, EEG, EP, EMG, ERG, EOG, signal analysis Electrostimulation defibrillation, pacemakers, electrostimulation Laboratory experiment: biosignal processing |