studiehandbok@lith | ![]() |
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TATM91 | Applied Mathematics, 3,5 p (sw) /Tillämpad matematik/ Advancement level: D | |
Aim: Mathematical theories and methods are put in a larger context. Participants are encouraged to use the knowledge they have gained from all previous courses. Prerequisites: Most of the courses from the Y-programme. For some problems, some knowledge of a programming language is an asset.Course organization: Teaching is done in seminars.Course content: The course in applied mathematics is a project course, which means that the participants shall attack and work on a problem. The problems (which have different advisors) are chosen from a bank that varies slightly from year to year, but generally speaking they range from purely mathematical to more applied problems, e. g. problems from numerical analysis. The student may suggest problems of his own. A lot of work on your own with the chosen problem is expected. The course is not in the timetable, but the participants are expected to work on their own for the major part of the period, naturally with support from and in consultation with their advisors.Course literature: Depending on the chosen problem. Shold be searched for in the library or via Internet. |