studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TAOP25 Operations Research, 2,5 p (sw)
/Tillämpad optimeringslära/

Advancement level:

The course constitutes a continuation course in optimization and treats mainly optimization problems in discrete variables. The course is intended to give the students (i) an exemplified orientation of important classes of optimization problems. (ii) experience in analysis and formulation of realistic optimization problems from technical and economical applications with the help of mathematical models. (iii) knowledge of construction of efficient methods for solution of the resulting mathematical problems using computer software. (iv) experience in solving optimization problems with discrete variables.

TAOP10 Linear and Nonlinear Optimization M.

Supplementary courses:
TAOP34 Large Scale Optimization. TAOP 39 Applied Combinatorial Optimization

Course organization:
The lectures provide the necessary mathematical theory for the algorithm used and development. The exercises cover modeling and problem solving. The laboratory course consists of modelling and solving optimization problems with the help of commercial software and computers.

Course content:
Network optimization: Problem types: Graph theory, minimal spanning tree, shortest path, network flow, integer problems with graph structure, transportation problem. Integer optimization: Linear problems with integer variables, model formulation, applications, branch and bound methods, travelling salesman problems, heuristics, Lagrangean relaxation

Course literature:
Rardin R.L. (1998) Optimization in Operations Research. Exempelsamling: Tillämpad Optimeringslära M3.

Course language is Swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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