studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

NMAC17 Statistical Theory , 3 p (sw)
/Statistisk teori/

Advancement level:

The students shall understand and use basic probability theory and statistics. The theory and methods are primarily focused on such that apply in biology and chemistry. The students shall understand, use and be able to construct mathematical models that apply to biological systems.

Course organization:
Lectures, seminars and compulsory computer sessions. Biological experiments for collecting data and applying statistical methods.

Course content:
The course treats basic methods to analyze and describe data from biological and chemical experiments. Decriptive statitics. Simple regression. One- and twoway ANOVA. Non parametric tests. Experimental design. Basic knowledge about Matlab. Some theory of ordinary differential equations. Second order linear equations. Dynamical systems: Phase portrait and stability analysis. Logistic equations. Lotka-Volterra equations. Models for epidemics. Difference equations.

Course literature:
Zar: Biostatistical Analysis. Enander et al:The Matlab Handbook. Mooney and Swift, 1999: A Course in Mathematical Modeling.

Course language is .


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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