studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

NMAB14 Programming with mathematical applications, 5 p (sw)

Advancement level:

The aim is to provide an understanding of fundamental concepts of computer organization and usage, and further to learn a programming language that is suitable for problems in mathematics and engineering.

Basic knowledge of mathematics as taught in the first term of the mathematics program.

Supplementary courses:
NMAB15 Programming, a second course.

Course organization:
The course consists of lectures, lessons and computer exercises. Participation in the computer exercises is compulsory.

Course content:
Basic concepts in computer science. Data representation in computers. Fundamental parts of a computer. Fundamental principles of computer systems organization. The F programming language: Data types, simple expressions and assignment, simple input and output. Control constructs. Modules and procedures. Arrays. Character data. Structures and derived types. Programming methodology. Computer exercises.

Course literature:
W. Brainerd, C.Goldberg, J. Adams: Programmers's Guide to F. Unicomp, 1996 or an equivalent book. H. Lunell: Datalogi-begreppen och tekniken. Studentlitteratur, 1994. S.Truvé: Ett litet häfte om Emacs. Kompendium CTH, 1991. Exercises and examples of earlier written examinations.

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


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