studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

NKXC10 Final Thesis, 10 p (sw)

Advancement level:

The thesis should give the student practise in the planning, performing and presenting of an independent work in the field of chemistry. In addition insight should be gained in development and/or research methodology. The aim of this thesis work is to apply the knowledge gained in chemistry.

To start the thesis work the student must have passed courses of 80 points, including all chemistry courses on advancement level A and B ( 60 points) in the university study program in chemistry

Course organization:
A laboratory task is performed in connection with either ongoing research activities at the chemistry department or development work in industry. The thesis shall be in a field selected in consultation with a supervisor / examiner. The student shall carry out the laboratory work and do literature studies connected with the problem under investigation. Special instructions: When the thesis is performed outside of the chemistry department at a company or other institution with direction in chemistry, a supervisor at the company or institution must be selected. The task for investigation must be approved and confirmed by an examiner from the chemistry department before the student can start the thesis work.

Grades are "approved" or "not approved".

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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