studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

NKED71 Forensic Chemstry, 5 p (sw)
/Forensisk kemi/

Advancement level:

Forensic chemistry, a part of forensic science, is about specific, rational analysis of drugs, alcohol, steroids etc. but also analysis of suspect poisoning and traces analysis of explosives after bomb attacks etc. Comparative chemical analysis of different materials in search of common sources is also an important part of forensic chemistry. The course will give theoretical knowledge of the analytical techniques of forensic science and possibilities to practice on realistic problems including the evaluation of results in a way that is useful to the legal process.

Course organization:
Lectures, seminars and laboratory lessons

Course content:
Introduction to forensic science, particularly forensic chemistry and biochemistry. Survey of methods of analysis of drugs, alcohol, explosives paints, plastics etc. Choice of methods depending on matrices, such as blood, urine etc. Clandestine production of illicit drugs. Comparative analysis of different materials and evaluation of data using chemometrics. Survey of common biochemical methods.

Course literature:
Will be announced later

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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