studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

NKEC61 Gene Technology, 5 p (sw)

Advancement level:

The course will give fundamental knowledge and experimental skills in the area of Recombinant-DNA techniques and microbiology.

Attended NKEC52 Biochemistry 2

Supplementary courses:
NKED74 Protein Chemistry

Course organization:
The course is laboratory intense and will give experimental training in techniques used in microbiology and gene cloning experiments. Seminars and lecures are intended to give the theoretical background using Recombinant-DNA techniques.

Course content:
Theory The following areas are treated during the lectures: Preparation methods for nucleic acids, purifying DNA-fragment, labeling of nucleic acid probes, enzymes involved in gene cloning, plasmidbiology, various vector system for cloning and expression of proteins, protein engineering including site-directed mutagenesis and random mutagenesis, Mutation analysis, DNA-sequencing. Experimental Transformation of plasmids using competent cells, isolation and purification of plasmids, analysis of plasmid-DNA using agarose gel electrophoresis, isolation of SS-DNA for mutagenesis, site-directed mutagenesis, DNA-sequencing, expression and purification of cloned mutated proteins in bacterial cells.

Course literature:
T.A Brown Gene Cloning, 3rd edition Laboratory manuals Scientific articles

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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